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Showing 1-60 of 133 items
Crestron Battery-Powered infiNET EX® Occupancy Sensor, 500 Sq. Ft.
Crestron Green Light® sensors deliver a powerful and cost-effective solution for reducing energy costs and enhancing the functionality of lighting and environmental systems. The GLS-OIR-CSM-EX-BATT is a low-profile, battery-powered occupancy sensor designed for small areas up to 500 square feet to detect when the room is occupied.
Intility: In stock Distributør: In stock
Intility: Out of stock Distributør: In stock
Crestron 3-Series Control System®
Nyutviklet styringsprosessor som tillater et mye bedre brukergrensesnitt og raskere betjening. Enheten kan også drifte flere rom parallelt. Enheten har 3 x 232 porter, 8 rele utganger, 8 digitale innganer, 8 x ir utganger. Denne enheten kan styre opptil 10 rom parallelt.
Intility: Out of stock Distributør: In stock
Intility: Out of stock Distributør: In stock
Intility: Out of stock Distributør: In stock
Intility: Out of stock Distributør: In stock
Showing 1-60 of 133 items