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ADOBE InDesign CC - New Subscription - English - VIPC - Level 2

Forsiden Software Adobe ADOBE InDesign CC - New Subscription - English - VIPC - Level 2
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ADOBE InDesign CC - New Subscription - English - VIPC - Level 2 (65276885BA02A12)

ADOBE InDesign CC - New Subscription - English - VIPC - Level 2

  • Produktfamilie InDesign CC
  • Product Type New Team Subscription
  • Språk English
  • Operativsystem Multiple Platforms
  • Markedssegment Corporate
  • Versjon ALL
  • Varighet 1 Month
  • Brukernivå Level 2 10-49
  • Lisensprogram VIP

Craft elegant layouts at your desk or on the go.
The industry-leading page design and layout toolset lets you work across desktop and mobile devices to create, preflight and publish everything from printed books and brochures to digital magazines, iPad apps, eBooks and interactive online documents.

Polished pages, faster than ever.
See how the latest release helps you create and distribute layouts faster than ever, from designing in the intuitive touch workspace to easily publishing documents online.

Create layouts using intuitive touch gestures on Microsoft Surface Pro or Windows 8+ tablets.

Zoom, scroll and page up and down faster than ever thanks to Adobe Mercury Performance System enhancements.

Easily apply alternate glyphs for a specific character, fractions and more, using an in-context menu.

Publish and distribute documents online where they can be viewed in a desktop or mobile web browser — no plug-in needed.

InDesign, now with CreativeSync.
InDesign is part of Creative Cloud and it comes with Adobe CreativeSync, so your assets are always at your fingertips right when you need them. CreativeSync powers your Libraries and Adobe Stock, and it connects your mobile and desktop apps.

Assets right where you need them
Your favorite assets — shapes, colors, graphics, metadata and more — are all available within InDesign.

Adobe Stock
Access more than 50 million curated, royalty-free photos and graphics right inside InDesign.

New mobile apps
Extend the power of InDesign to your devices so you can create production-ready designs anywhere.

Make something now.
Get the most out of InDesign and Creative Cloud with our latest tutorials for graphic design and more.

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